Wondering If You Can Use Your DSTV Decoder At Another House?

In short yes and no, Yes you can use your DSTV Decoder at another house. Your Decoder is paired with your smartcard, so in order for the decoder to work, all you need to do is you carry your main decoder with the linked smartcard.
To make this simple to understand, there are times that people move to a new neighborhood or complex and get their DSTV up and running without having updated DSTV about a change of address.
If your decoder is linked through extra view, then it will not be able to work as that decoder needs to be connected to the main decoder in order to get signal.
It is important to note that there might be compatibility issues which will arise from having a decoder which is not compatible with the existing DSTV Setup.

If you need help with DSTV Relocation Services In Cape Town, Cape Direct Connect Offers DSTV Removal & Setup Services Across The Western Cape